Our Research
Over 5 years, the Center for the Success of English Learners, or CSEL (pronounced SEE-suhl), will undertake a focused program of research aimed at identifying and removing barriers related to school tracking through analysis of administrative and newly collected data using a mixed-methods approach.
In addition, CSEL develops and tests interventions that leverage four transdisciplinary approaches to improve instruction for English Learners (ELs) in Grade 6 and Grade 9 Science and Social Studies that make up the central tenets of effective strategies for instructing ELs identified by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Intersecting Strands of Research
Over 5 years, the Center for the Success of English Learners, or CSEL (pronounced SEE-suhl), will undertake a focused program of research aimed at identifying and removing barriers related to school tracking through analysis of administrative and newly collected data using a mixed-methods approach.
Policy Strand
Investigates the barriers that English learners face in accessing the general curriculum and advanced course-taking.
Explores the tracking of English learners, the predictors of tracking, and the outcomes associated with tracking
The Policy Team...
The Science Team...
Science Strand
Works with science teachers and ELs teachers to develop & enhance model lessons.
Develops, implements, and revises additional lessons.
Conducts teacher & student interviews on usability, feasibility, social validity and promise.
Analyzes data collected from development & implementation cycles.
The Social Studies Team...
Works collaboratively with experienced educators to develop instructional practices to be implemented in social studies classes with students in Grades 6 and 9
Tests the efficacy of these instructional practices in improving social studies outcomes for English learners in the secondary grades