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Updated: Feb 14, 2024

The Center for Applied Linguistics' webinar series titled "Research to Policy: Critical Conversations in Language Education" highlights researchers, practitioners, and policymakers at the forefront of the fight for educational equity for multilingual learners and culturally diverse populations in the United States. The series addresses the persistent challenge of breaking down barriers for multilingual learners. The 30-minute episodes look at the intersection of educational equity and student assessment, teacher education, early childhood education, students with disabilities, and more. The discussions are open to the public and provide valuable insights into the latest research and policies that move language education forward. Watch "Breaking Down Borders for Multilingual Learners with Disabilities" below.


Updated: May 15, 2024

The inaugural Conference on Improving Instruction, Assessment, and Policies for Secondary English Learners took place on May 8 and 9, 2023, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The conference aimed to raise awareness of the latest research on effective support for English learners (ELs) and highlight best practices and resources to help them succeed and thrive in their learning environments.

The conference gathered nearly 300 attendees from various backgrounds and roles, including researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. Participants engaged in constructive dialogues and shared ideas to tackle the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the outcomes of ELs.

Throughout the event, experts from diverse fields and sectors offered perspectives on addressing complex challenges, creating positive change, and fostering a culture of innovation and impact. See inspiring moments from the keynote addresses below.

— Kenji Hakuta, professor emeritus, Stanford University

— Amanda Kibler, professor, Oregon State University

— Guillermo (Willy) Solano-Flores, professor, Stanford University

This event was a collaborative endeavor by The Center for the Success of English Learners and the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners—funded by the Institute of Education Sciences.

Click the link below for more information on the conference and its keynote speakers, panel discussions, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and insights on supporting ELs in grades 6 to 12.

We are deeply grateful for the many efforts and insights of our distinguished speakers: Michael Feuer from George Washington University, Amanda Kibler from Oregon State University, Kenji Hakuta from Stanford University, Jennifer O’Day from the American Institutes for Research, Mark Schneider from the Institute of Education Sciences, and Guillermo Solano-Flores from Stanford University. Thank you to Erica Lepping for providing information and videos to support this blog post.


Updated: Feb 14, 2024

The Center for Applied Linguistics' webinar series titled "Research to Policy: Critical Conversations in Language Education" highlights researchers, practitioners, and policymakers at the forefront of the fight for educational equity for multilingual learners and culturally diverse populations in the United States. The series addresses the persistent challenge of breaking down barriers for multilingual learners. The 30-minute episodes look at the intersection of educational equity and student assessment, teacher education, early childhood education, students with disabilities, and more. The discussions are open to the public and provide valuable insights into the latest research and policies that move language education forward. Watch "Harnessing the Power of Multilingualism: Strategies for Meaningful Assessment" below.

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